territory of the military commander in serbia ne demek?

The Territory of the Military Commander in Serbia was a puppet state created by Nazi Germany during World War II. It existed from 1941 to 1944 and was headed by the German military commander in Serbia, General der Artillerie Franz Böhme.

The territory included most of modern-day Serbia, as well as some parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The regime was characterized by repression, violence, and genocide against Jews, Romani people, and Serbians who were opposed to the Nazis.

The German military commander had absolute power in the territory, and he controlled all aspects of daily life, including the economy, media, judiciary, and education. The regime was also assisted by local collaborators, who helped to implement Nazi policies.

The Territory of the Military Commander in Serbia was eventually dissolved in 1944 when the Red Army and Yugoslav partisans liberated the region. Many of the German and local officials who had collaborated with the Nazis were subsequently tried and punished for their crimes.